Permissions Forms
This page is home to the Hungerhill Permissions Forms and information letters. We ask that you read through each of the permissions forms/letters carefully as you will need to refer to these whilst completing the 'electronic student registration form' before your child takes up their place at Hungerhill. Certain of the forms will require you to 'agree' to certain school policies and procedures, for example the 'ICT usage agreement', without which your child will not be able to gain access to the school's ICT facilities. Others are in line with government legislation and give you options to select when you complete the registration form, such as the 'Use of student images' permission form. The registration form will direct you to these permissions form/letter' when you get to the appropriate section in order for you to have all of the information you need.
Student Registration Form
Below you will find the new online version of the 'Student Registration Form'. This is required for every student and covers such things as emergency contact details, medical conditions and various permissions and consents. The form also includes information and consent for our cashless catering system.
When completing the online Student Registration Form, please take care to give all of the information that is required. Once submitted, it is not possible to add information until September, at which point you will be required to do so through completing a 'change of details' form. Thank you for your assistance.