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Hungerhill School

PE Kit



All pupils are expected to bring the correct PE kit. If a pupil is excused from practical participation a note must be written by parent or guardian in the planner. Pupils must still bring kit to change into so they can take a non-active or alternative learning role.

To order your PE kit online -

Use the link below to go to the Schoolwear Solutions website:

Compulsory Hungerhill PE Kit Items

Upper body: Choice of

  • Hungerhill black sweatshirt (boys) / ¼ zip top (girls)- outdoor
  • Hungerhill white polo T-Shirt – indoor
  • Plain black Sweatshirt /¼ zip top (appropriate alternative)
  • Plain White T-Shirt (appropriate alternative)



Lower body: Choice of

  • Plain black shorts/cycling shorts (mid-thigh length or longer please)
  • Plain black tracksuit trousers OR Plain black leggings



  • Appropriate for sport (they must not be the students' school shoes, converse or vans)


Spare socks (plain white or plain black)

Studded boots for field activities (e.g. Football, Rugby)

Optional Extras:

  • Rain jacket (no fur hoods)
  • Underlayers (no vibrant colours)

Items we strongly recommend:
Having these items will reduce your child's chances of sustaining an injury.

  • Gum shield (Rugby & Hockey)
  • Shin pads (Football & Hockey)

Jewellery and hair

  • All hair that falls below the chin needs to be tied up
  • Fitness watches need to be removed 
  • ALL jewellery to be removed – this includes nose retainers

New Piercings

  • Earrings = 4 to 6 weeks
  • Nose retainer = 12 weeks
  • Any students with new piercings – class teacher will ring home and confirm the date of the piercing if this is not written in the student planner.
  • Students should come ready for the lesson, with earrings adequately taped.
  • Students with new piercings that have been taped can only take part in activities that the teacher feels are safe to participate in.

PE Kit & Equipment

Indoor Kit:
Both: White polo shirt or t-shirt (no team shirts or large prints)

Girls: Black shorts or sports leggings

Boys: Black sports shorts

Both: Change of socks, must be white/black sport ankle/trainer socks

Both: Trainers (non-marking soles) - no 'pump-style' footwear.


Outdoor Kit:

Girls: Black half-zip top

Boys: Red or black HH jumper

Girls: Black shorts (mid-thigh length or longer) or plain black sports leggings

Boys: Black sports shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms

Both: Trainers should always be brought to outdoor lessons, football boots may be required depending upon the sport.

Strictly no hoodies.

Base layers of the same colour as the top are permitted in colder weather.

What you will need throughout the year:

Autumn/Winter Term

  • Trainers
  • Football Boots
  • Ankle Socks
  • White polo/t-shirt
  • Jumper (boys)
  • Half zip top (girls)

Spring Term

  • Trainers
  • Football Boots
  • Ankle Socks
  • Black football socks
  • Black shorts/leggings
  • Jumper (boys)
  • Half zip top (girls)

Summer Term

  • Trainers
  • Ankle Socks
  • White polo/t-shirt
  • Black shorts/leggings

Shorts must be mid-thigh length or longer.


If you are excused from PE, you are still required to bring kit to engage in the lesson from a non-performer perspective. If you are excused, you may wear tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt/sports jacket (of any colour) so you can still access the lesson and dress appropriately. You may be required to coach, analyse, officiate, or help organise. Appropriate clothing is essential for this to work effectively. You will be in your usual lesson, so if outside, this also keeps uniform/shoes dry and clean for the rest of the day.