Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Department
Hungerhill School is committed to providing an aspirational curriculum designed to ensure all students are encouraged and supported to fulfil their full potential. All students, including those identified as having Special Educational Needs, have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum. Hungerhill School work to ensure that the curriculum is accessible to students and include all students in every aspects of the School life.
The SEND department are responsible for the following:
- Supporting the identification of students with SEND
- Co-ordinating the provision for students with SEND that is “additional to and different from” other students in school
- Allocating the support of Teaching Assistants (TAs) within lessons
- Planning and evaluating interventions with TAs and outside agencies to meet student’s needs
- Conducting psychometric testing for the purposes of exam access arrangements
- Communicating with parents of students with SEND regularly
- Meeting with various external support agencies to meet student’s needs
- Leading EHCP and SEND Support review meetings with students, families and outside agencies
- Ensuring that the school keeps the records of all pupils with SEND up to date and in line with the requirements of GDPR
- Working closely with colleagues in primary schools within the pyramid and the Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) to ensure a smooth transition into year 7
- Liaising with colleagues from further education and training providers to plan effective transition beyond Year 11
The staff members in the SEND department are: