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Hungerhill School

School Uniform


The school attaches great importance to appropriate dress. It helps to establish a feeling of community and to develop the personal presentation skills of students. Uniform is, therefore, not an option; it is a necessity. We expect all students to wear the uniform with pride when in school or when attending school functions.

More information about our school uniform, including supplier and ordering details, are available in the video and information below.

If you have concerns about accessing the necessary uniform and stationery, please click here for further details of how you can access pre-owned uniform.


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It is important that you familiarise yourself with all the information available on this page.

School blazer: The school blazer is compulsory for all students.  Purchased from our nominated supplier, Cliffs.

Plain black, trousers/knee length skirt of a classical style, straight cut. Please note that stretchy, skin tight skirts are not permitted. 

Shirt: Plain white shirt with traditional collar buttoned to the top (no sports shirts).​
School Jumper:​ This is optional and may be worn under the blazer but not in place of the blazer. Only jumpers with the Hungerhill logo are permitted. 
Tie:​ ​A clip on school tie must be worn. These are available for £5.00 from our nominated supplier. The school Admin Office also holds a small supply of these and are available to students to purchase should they misplace their tie in order that they can access a replacement quickly.
School bag: Students will have the choice of either a black holdall, black rucksack, or a black Tote bag. These bags should not display large logos. These can be purchased from our nominated supplier, Cliffs. Bags must be zipped to prevent rain damaging books and equipment; bags must be capable of fitting all necessary school equipment and books (including two A4 folders); Handbag style bags are not permitted.
School coat:​ A sensible coat is required. No hoodies, tracksuit tops, jersey tops, e.g. sweatshirts, body warmers, denim jackets, leather jackets, fur coats, cardigan style jackets are permitted.​ Ideally, any coat your child wears to school should be waterproof.
Socks/tights:​ Girls wearing skirts must wear plain, white/black socks, or plain black tights.​


Footwear:​ All students are expected to wear sensible, black shoes with safe heels for movement around school. Trainers, boots, canvas shoes, sandals, pumps, or 'ballet' style shoes including Vivienne Westwoods are not allowed. Shoes should have a low heel. Gold/silver bars and clasps on the front of shoes are not permitted. 
​Ear-rings: Students may wear one small, plain stud (not a ring) in each ear lobe. Ear 'stretchers' are not permitted and jewellery in any other part of the ear is also not permitted.​ No other piercings are allowed. 



Jewellery should only be worn in the form of a single, plain stud in the bottom of the ear lobe and not in other parts of the ear. All other forms of jewellery, including tongue piercings, rings, necklaces and bracelets are not allowed. Smart watches are not allowed. Standard watches are permissible.​ Belts should be plain and not possess large buckles that are branded. 
​Hair styles: ​These should be appropriate for school. Heads should not be shaved. Excessive hairstyles, such as line designs, extreme shaping, styling, unnatural colouring, or combination of colours are not allowed. We do not expect hair to be shaved to less than a grade 2. Long hair will need to be tied back for some lessons. Hair accessories, such as, bobbles, hair slides and hair bands should be discrete and plain in both colour and style.
​Make-up: Make-up is not allowed in Years 7, 8 and 9. It should only be worn discreetly in Years 10 & 11 and is seen as a privilege for the older students. False nails, eyelashes and nail polish must not be worn.​
​Denim: Denim and 'jeans-type' clothing should not be worn. Denim jackets or coats are not allowed.​
Uniform Sanctions: A same day 30 minute detention will be issued for any breach of uniform and your child may be asked to wear loan uniform. If this involves items which are non-removable, e.g. false nails, eyelashes, hairstyles which need to fade, students will not be allowed in the school community at social time until the issues are resolved.

Parents are asked to ensure that clothing is clearly labelled.