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Hungerhill School

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How do lunchtimes run at Hungerhill?

Lunchtime is from 12.10-1.10. We utilise the main hall, hall extension and Food Pod to ensure all students are served and fed within this hour. Students enter the dining room in an orderly fashion with their year group. We pride ourselves on the calm atmosphere and orderly fashion that our students conduct themselves in these areas.

Access to the dinner hall is staggered throughout the lunch hour with different time slots for each year. Students must start queueing up at the correct time slot.

How do students pay for their dinners at school?

We operate a cash-free dinner monies system at Hungerhill, whereby students use their finger print to pay for their food at the till. Parents/Guardians have the option to pay money onto their account via iPayimpact. 

Who can I contact if I have a question regarding my child paying for their lunch?

Please direct all questions regarding payment for school lunched via the Pay Portal to our Finance Team at:  

How do I make payments to the school for trips and visits etc.?

We encourage all Parents/Carers to make payments to the school via our iPayimpact system, as it is the most efficient and secure means by which to send money to us. If you are having any difficulty paying by this method, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Finance Team who will do their best to assist you further.  

How much do instrumental lessons COST?

Currently, for the year 2023-24, the cost is £306 per instrument, payable in two instalments of £141. If you are in receipt of free school meals, or you believe you will struggle with this payment, we ask that you contact our Finance department to discuss your circumstances and see if there is anything we can do to help. The cost may change in subsequent years.

Community Defibrillator Information 

The cardiac charity SADS UK aims to save lives, providing information, funding research and medical equipment to prevent premature sudden cardiac death.
Provision of cardiac equipment
SADS UK empowers medical establishments and organisations by providing information and cardiac equipment including:-
•    A Defibrillator to Hungerhill School., to restart the heart in an emergency situation and sustain life until the ambulance arrives. 
•    The defibrillator is located at the rear of the Fitness Suite facing the sports fields in a bright yellow box (see photo)
•    The defibrillator is available to the local Community via the South Yorkshire Ambulance Service when 999 is dialled between the hours of 0800 through to 1630 hrs Mon – Fri

Does the school have lockers, and are there any plans for lockers? 

There are no lockers or current plans for lockers. The reason for this is that the school has grown vastly in number over the years and there simply is not enough space to provide lockers. 

Can parents request that their child not be placed in the same tutor group as one of their peers? 

Hungerhill consults fully with Year 6 teachers and if we are advised at that time of any potential problems we will act on this and put them in separate forms. However, if they are in the same sector they may come across each other in subjects such as PE and DT when the tutor groups become mixed. This may also happen when they are put into sets for some subjects. If you have any concerns, please let the Year 6 teacher know so that they can inform us. If you would like to follow it up with a letter to us as well, that would be fine. We DO NOT place friendship groups together; coming to Hungerhill is a time to make new friends and interact with different people.

What after school clubs do you run? 

Our enrichment program is central to our school and we aim to provide the students with a variety of clubs which embrace the arts, sports and academic. These run at lunchtime and after school. 

What do I do if my child is being bullied? 

We would suggest that you encourage your child to come to either their tutor or Head of Year to tell them what is happening. Staff will work with them to sort the concerns out. At Hungerhill we are very clear on bullying; it has to be STOP (Several Times On Purpose) to be considered bullying. We find that, generally, we can resolve issues relatively easily before it gets to that level. If we can’t resolve issues at this level, they are passed through to Senior Management who will then oversee the process and advise. Of course, if they feel unable to approach us, please do not hesitate to contact us yourselves.

How early can my child arrive in school and where can they go? 

The school gates are opened by the Senior Leadership Team from 8.15am. Each year group has their Head of Year in their designated social areas from this time. It is expected that all students are in school for 8.30am and their form room by 8:40am.

​If it is raining at break/lunchtime do they have to stay outside? 

Some students do choose to shelter under the canopied areas, but they do not have to remain outside. We recommend students have an outdoor coat and umbrella in case of adverse weather conditions. 

Where do we get a bus pass from?​ 

You can collect the application form from Frenchgate Interchange, but they will be given out by your primary schools later in the year.

What happens if they need to contact home? 

If they need to contact home urgently they should go to the Main Reception. They will be allowed to contact home from there.

What happens if we need to contact our child urgently? 

​If it is urgent, please contact the school and Reception will arrange to pass the message on. Please be aware that this is for emergencies only. General family arrangements should be made before they come to school.

What arrangements for first aid do you have? 

We do not have a school nurse. If your child has an accident in school then the designated First Aider on duty will deal with it as necessary. If your child feels unwell, they should go and see their class teacher who will direct them to the Health and Wellbeing Officer if appropriate. 

Are there plans to change the uniform? 

There are no plans to change the uniform at this time.

What is the structure of the school day? 

School begins at 8:40am, although students should already be at their form before this time so that registration can take place. School finishes at 3:10pm. There are 5 x 60-minute lessons, a 15 minute break and a one hour lunch, 12:10 - 13:10. All students enter the school from 8.15am in a morning via the main gate. At the end of the school day, students can leave via the main gate or the Thorne Road exit. 

What should I expect in terms of homework? 

Homework (or home learning) enhances student learning, improves achievement, and develops students' study skills and, as such, is an integral part of the curriculum. Subjects endeavour to set homework that is meaningful, valued, varied, appropriate, integral, and clear.

What support will my Year 7 child/children receive during their first day/week at Hungerhill? 

As well as the entire KS3 Pastoral team, each form group has a number peer mentors (current Year 9 and 10 students) attached to it. These students have been specially trained to deal with any queries your child may have. As a current student, they are not only a friendly face for your child but can also direct them around school and really help them settle into life at Hungerhill.

What instrumental lessons are offered in the school? 

Piano, Keyboard, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Classical Guitar, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Cornet, Baritone, Trombone, Tenor Horn, Singing, Drums

When do the instrumental lessons take place? 

They take place during the school day and will involve your child missing 15-20 minutes of one of their timetabled lessons to attend their instrumental lesson. Where possible, this is carried out on a rota so that students do not miss the same lesson every week.

I/My child has a problem with their instrumental lesson. What should I do? 

Encourage your child to see the Trust Director of Performing Arts (Miss Crowder) to discuss the problem and explore solutions. However, if you are particularly concerned and your child does not feel they can deal with it themselves, please contact Miss Crowder yourself (either by leaving a telephone message or sending an email to Problems should not be addressed to the instrumental teacher.

How will I know how my child is progressing in their instrumental lessons? 

You should receive a report from the instrumental teacher. However, these are co-ordinated by the music service and so we can not say when you will receive them. You will also receive information about examinations if the instrumental teacher feels your child is ready to be entered. If, at any point, you feel you need an update on your child’s progress, please contact Miss Crowder.

My child hasn’t had instrumental lessons at primary school but is interested in starting to play, is this possible? 

Your child can start instrumental lessons at any time. However, if the school year has already begun they may be put on a waiting list as time is bought in during the Summer term for the following year and instrumental tutors may be full.

When and where can I buy replacement school jumpers & ties from? 

​Replacement school uniform is available from Cliffs, 11a, Printing Office Street, DN1 1TP. See the uniform section of the website for further information. 

If you have any questions that are not listed here, please contact Hungerhill and we will do our best to answer any queries that you may have.