Design Technology: Food
The Food Preparation and Nutrition department at Hungerhill School are committed to delivering a curriculum accessible to all students and which nurtures and develops a love of the subject. The department will provide a range of opportunities for students. We aim to support students to become self-motivated and confident learners, who can work independently and interdependently. I believe that it is vital that food education is included in the school curriculum to instil in young people the value of making the correct food choices to support their and future generations development and life chances in terms of well-being and health. If students know where their food has come from, how it has been produced, understand how to choose ingredients, prepare, and serve nutritionally balanced meals and understand the nutritional content of food and its impact on their health they will learn to make informed decisions about the food that they eat. In addition, we aim to raise an awareness about protecting the environment by encouraging them to buy and use seasonal foods which are nutritionally superior, support the local economy and are tastier; at the same time as protecting the environment by reducing food miles, packaging, and transport. |
Recent studies have highlighted the link between nutrition and academic performance, it is therefore important to ensure that students understand the importance of eating well. With a growing childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes rate, the diet of children has received a lot of media attention over the last few years. Good nutrition is vital to health, yet large numbers of schoolchildren are ‘overfed but undernourished’. The consequences of poor eating patterns and sedentary lifestyles have been well researched and acknowledged, but potential impacts extend beyond an increased risk of chronic health problems in later life. It is vital that the food curriculum in school raises awareness of the issues.
The department promotes and encourages students to develop skills by taking part in a wide range of practical activities while at the same time providing a safe learning environment. We aim to deliver a curriculum in which students understand what they are doing and why, they learn to adapt and develop their ideas and to produce successful, quality outcomes. They learn about nutrition, cooking methods, why specific ingredients are used in products, the function of an ingredient in a recipe, the importance of accurate weighing, measuring and application of quality control checks for successful outcomes and the ‘science’ behind the preparation and cooking of food. We aim to encourage our students to become responsible consumers and to live healthy lifestyles.
Our Food Preparation and Nutrition curriculum will:
Develop the character of all students:
- Our main priority is for students to become enquiring independent and interdependent learners who develop a lifelong love of learning.
- Students are taught to be respectful of each other, to support and encourage each other in their learning and to work as a team to get the job done.
- Students are made aware of the values and beliefs of other cultures and religions and to be respectful of differences.
- We encourage students to question and challenge themselves, to be adaptable and open minded in their thinking.
- We ask for constructive feedback from the consumers of their products and expect students to act on feedback, solve problems, see mistakes as a challenge and to be resilient in resolving problems.
- We encourage our students to become responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society by asking them to consider the impact on the environment in their food choices.
- We encourage our students to take responsibility for their health and well-being by making positive choices about what they eat.
- We develop transferable skills; planning, organisation, time management, teamwork, determination and resilience, all of which are valued in the workplace.
- Students learn about the social and ethical responsibilities of their lifestyle choices and the impact on theirs and others lives.
Ensure all students are literate and numerate:
- Students will be encouraged to read texts relevant to their learning and be able to apply their knowledge to practical situations, when recording coursework and completing home learning and assessments.
- Students will be encouraged to stay abreast of current issues relating to food by listening to the news, reading relevant material (books, magazines, media).
- Students will develop their literacy by reading and interpreting recipes and processes of making and by researching new subject specific terminology.
- Students will develop literacy by research, nutritional analysis, report writing, use of sensory descriptive words to analyse food and by writing evaluations about their products.
- Students will develop numeracy through practical application. They will: weigh, measure, work out portions, scale recipes, work out ratios of ingredients, time the cooking of food products, comparing the time it takes to cook certain food using different cooking methods, use of cutters, read food temperature thermometers and by dividing mixtures into specified amounts.
Build knowledge and aspirations of all students:
- By providing practical and investigative opportunities and teaching theoretical knowledge students will build on prior learning and understanding. Learning will be recycled and assessed regularly to ensure learning is embedded.
- Appoint ‘Student Leaders’ to promote the subject, encourage, support and nurture other students with their learning and to raise the profile of the subject at open evenings.
- Show case students work by participating in ‘Creative Arts’ evenings.
- Produce opportunities for students to develop challenging technical skills.
- Encourage students to ‘upskill’ recipes and produce ‘high skilled’ products.
Ensure all students have the secure foundations to progress into further education and employment:
- Plan and sequence the food curriculum correctly to ensure effective progression through the key stages.
- Provide leadership opportunities within lessons and the department.
- Provide information to students about careers in food.
Develop cultural capital of all students:
- Provide opportunities for students to study international cuisine.
- The study of issues related to environmental impact and sustainability.
- Provide opportunities for students to work with specialists- Vegan cookery demonstration and the Royal Marines- guest speakers.
- Provide sensory tasting opportunities for students to experience different cuisines.
- Provide opportunities for students to participate in food competitions and departmental challenges.
- Baking Club for KS3.
- Student Leadership at KS4 will be involved in open evenings, various events, competitions and supporting with KS3.
KS3 Food Technology
At KS3 we cover a wide variety of topics such as food safety and hygiene, nutrition, food science, food provenance (where our food comes from), international cuisine and environmental impact and sustainability. Students carry out both theory and practical lessons. Theoretical lessons are interactive and include food science investigations, demonstrations, nutritional analysis using the computers and sensory tasting experiences. Practical lessons are designed to build upon skills throughout the years.
KS4 AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition is an exciting and creative course which focuses on practical cooking skills to ensure students develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food materials. The qualification focuses on nurturing students' practical cookery skills to give them a strong understanding of nutrition. Food preparation skills are integrated into five core topics:
- Food, nutrition and health
- Food science
- Food safety
- Food choice
- Food provenance
Students cover a wide range of activities in Year 9 and 10. This develops their knowledge, skill and understanding of food and nutrition. The course in these years develops confidence and competence and prepares students for the challenge of Year 11.
- 5O% NEA (two controlled assessment tasks) which are set by the examination board:
- Food Science Investigation Task – 15% final mark
- Food Preparation Task – 35% final mark (25% of this mark assessed practically)
- 50% final written examination.
Course content Year 9:
- Unit 1- Nutrients
- Unit 2- Nutritional needs and health
- Unit 3- Cooking of food and heat transfer
- Unit 4- Functional and chemical properties of food
Course content Year 10:
- Unit 5- Food spoilage and contamination
- Unit 6- Principles of food safety
- Unit 7- Factors affecting food choice
- Unit 8- British and international cuisines
- Unit 9- Sensory evaluation
- Unit 10- Environmental impact and sustainability
- Unit 11- Processing and production
- Mini NEA 1- Food Science Investigation Task
- Mini NEA 2- Food Preparation Task
Course content Year 11:
Students undertake their NEA 1 controlled assessment from September-November of Year 11. The tasks are set by the examination board. Students work independently to produce an individual folder of work which records their practical scientific investigations and outcomes. This comprises 15% of their final mark.
In November/December of Year 11 students begin work on their NEA 2 controlled assessment. This challenge is set by the examination board. They undertake a food preparation and nutrition challenge. Students work independently on this task, and it allows them to research, plan, trial and develop three final products which are produced in a three-hour final practical examination. Folder work records and reflects on the development of this project. This comprises 35% of their final mark.
Following the completion of the second controlled assessment students prepare for the final written examination. The examination lasts for one hour and forty-five minutes and is in two sections. Section A is comprised of 20 multiple choice questions (20 marks) and Section B (80 marks) longer response questions. The examination paper covers all aspects of the course specification.
Progression from GCSE:
- Catering courses:
- Introduction to Culinary Skills Level 1
- Professional Cookery Level 2
- Culinary Skills CG Certificate Level 2
- Level 2 & 3 Diploma in Professional Food and Beverage Service
- Level 2 & 3 Diplma Professional Cookery (Kitchen & Larder)
- VRQ Level 3 Diploma in Patisserie & Confectionery
- Apprenticeships:
- Hospitality- working in a hotel, restaurant or other business in hospitality, apprenticeships include:
- Commis Chef
- Hospitality Supervisor
- Hospitality Team Member
- Hospitality- working in a hotel, restaurant or other business in hospitality, apprenticeships include:
- Various degree courses:
- Food and Nutrition
- Food Marketing Management
- Food Marketing and Product Development
- Human Nutrition and Health
- Nutrition, Diet and Wellbeing
- Sport and Exercise Science
Careers are many and varied and include:
- The hospitality industry
- Teaching/lecturing
- Food product development
- Food writer
- Food photographer
- Food technologist
- Nutritionist
- Quality assurance inspector in the food industry
- Food critic
- Chef/TV celebrity chef
- Advertising
- Marketing
- Dietician