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Hungerhill School


Our vision:

The Hungerhill PE department aim to create the very best experience for all ability levels within Physical Education. The curriculum will provide students with opportunities to engage in physical activities, develop their physical fitness, learn essential movement skills, and understand the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle.

The rationale behind our curriculum design includes meeting the National Curriculum aims. Students have been introduced to the most current pedagogical thinking in Physical Education applied in an age-appropriate way to the three cornerstones of Head (cognitive application), Heart (character development) and Hands (physical application).

Mr M Moorwood
Curriculum Leader

The curriculum we adopt is centred around how pupils ‘get better’ at the subject of PE and how this can prepare them in society.

Our intent:

Our intent is to instil a passion for physical activity, ensuring students not only acquire essential skills but also develop a deep appreciation for the joy and benefits of an active lifestyle. Second, the department aspire to foster well-rounded individuals by integrating character development into our curriculum, emphasising values such as respect, honesty, leadership, care and consideration. Finally, our curriculum is designed to be inclusive and adaptable, recognising and celebrating the diverse abilities and interests of all students. Through innovative teaching methods, personalised learning experiences, and a commitment to health education, we aim to empower students to make informed decisions about their well-being and lead physically active lives. By securing a positive and supportive environment, we lay the foundation for a future generation that is not only physically literate but also equipped with the skills and mindset for a lifetime of health and fitness.


The NC 3 pillars of progression that we aim to achieve are:

  • Motor competence – PE plays an important role in securing efficient and effective movement. We assess pupil’s ability to execute a variety of motor actions, including the coordination of fine and gross motor skills.  These are necessary to participate in PE activities and in everyday life,
  • Rules, strategies and tactics –  the rules, strategies and tactics which are involved with different types of activity require explicit teaching through competitive elements. Tactics are the decisions our pupils will make about how, when and where to move and are closely related to motor competences as they are only successful if pupils can perform the necessary movement. Some physical activities do not have rules or tactics, but they do have strategies for success. This could be sequencing in gymnastics or RADS and choreographing in Dance.
  • Healthy participation – The National Curriculum refers to pupils leading healthy, active lives.  This includes learning the importance of warming up and down, safe decisions (such as exercise intensity and rest), and developing understanding of the relationships between physical activity and its effect on the body. Pupils will be assessed by home learning in KS3 and be prepared to make informed choices at KS4 on how to live a healthy and active lifestyle.


Activities we deliver and offer in core PE are:

  • Invasion game
  • Striking and fielding
  • Discovery lessons
  • Athletics
  • Outdoor adventure activities
  • Racket and net
  • Health related learning
  • Gymnastics
  • Dance


Key stage 3 PE:

Key stage 3 classes are single sex and mixed ability. We offer a broad range of activities across the academic year and an extensive extra-curricular programme. Pupils will be assessed holistically across the three strands of ‘know’, ‘show’ and ‘glow’ in twelve activities throughout the year. They will receive a working at grade each term based on the three cornerstones. Individual activities are not assessed but will be tracked to support aspiring GCSE PE and CNAT Sport Studies who opt to further their education in PE.

Key stage 4 classes are single sex and informed choices are made based on performance or participation pathway.

Performance pathway is encouraged for pupils opting GCSE PE and CNAT Sport Studies and can focus on the activities in their specification. Pupils are graded on their performance, which is skill related.

Participation pathway is encouraged to all pupils with a focus on being active and leading a healthy lifestyle. A broad range of activities are on offer across the curriculum promoting high levels of participation and healthy living. Students in Y10 and Y11 will be involved in the selection process of their sporting activity, allowing them to make informed choices to live a healthy and active lifestyle. All activities within the national curriculum are offered.   


Key Performance Indicators

How we use assessment to accurately measure that the curriculum aims are being met:

KPI = Key performance indicators. These are the statements taken from the national curriculum that identify what a child should be able to do.

A.R.E =  Age related expectations. This is where pupils are expected to be working at the end of their year group, milestone or key stage.

Developing: Pupils begin to apply their understanding – this is usually with the support of a teacher or adult. They often struggle with knowing ‘how’ and ‘what’ to do to ‘get better’. Reports home will show your child is ‘below expected’.

Securing: Pupils apply their understanding independently, they know ‘how’ and ‘what’ they are doing. They lack consistency when altering the context or under pressure. Reports home will show your child is working at an ‘expected’ level.

Mastering They are consistently working at this level under press. They know ‘what’ and ‘how’ with regard to ‘how to get better’.  Reports home will show your child is working ‘above expected’.







We aim for students to become more competent, confident and expert in their techniques, and apply them across different sports and physical activities.







Pupils should understand what makes performance effective and how to apply these principles to their own and others’ work (know how).

Students undertake home learning to build on their PE knowledge, developing aspects such as how to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, the benefits of physical activity, as well as tactics, rules and strategies.







Pupils should develop the confidence and interest to get involved in exercise, sports and activities outside of school and in later life. They develop character and soft skills such as leadership, confidence, excellence, as well as respect and teamwork.



Our curriculum will:

Develop the character of all students by:

  • Placing students in competitive situations where they learn how to win with respect and humility and accept failure with dignity. Competition will develop the characteristics of respect, resilience and honesty.
  • Students will reflect on their successes and failures and develop their approach accordingly with the aim of improving their outcomes, instilling resilience.
  • Undertake a variety f roles where they are taken out of their comfort zone and then required to adapt their approach and transfer their skills. This will develop the character of resilience.
  • Provide opportunities to develop collaborative and leadership qualities in a multitude of different environments.
  • The schools' core values and British values will underpin the approach and culture across curricular and extracurricular PE.
  • All students will be given the opportunity to develop their skill set and further challenge themselves by engaging in Hungerhill’s extracurricular program.
  • Help relieve stress and anxiety positively as well as build confidence.
  • Improve student concentration and ability to maintain focus within PE and academic studies, promoting excellence.
  • Improve social skills and help appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of their peers, showing care of consideration of their own and others' work.
  • Promote positive body image, self-confidence and self-discipline

Ensure all students are literate and numerate:

  • Students will be encouraged to always use subject specific vocabulary eg pitching the ball in cricket.
  • Pupils in KS3 have home learning that includes text and key reading.
  • Effective use f numeracy when scoring and measuring in a game based/competition-based environment
  • Use mathematical skills effectively in a fitness and health environment (heart rates, training zones, weight training calculations, recovery rates etc.)
  • Leadership responsibilities will provide opportunities to communicate effectively with teammates.
  • Oracy ABC – pupils will have a no-opt-out approach to answer questions and collaborate what they ‘know’
  • Peer evaluation and feedback are pivotal to improving performance.  It is an excellent tool in practical and classroom-based lessons.
  • Pupils often use resource sheets that explain the breakdown of a technique and skill.

Build knowledge and aspirations of all students:

  • Students who study GCSE PE or OCR Sports studies will complete what is predominantly a knowledge-based curriculum covering
  • Anatomy and physiology, fitness and training, health and well-being, sports psychology, ethics and values, commercialisation, nutrition, injury and social factors in sport.
  • Teaching spaces and faculty areas will have content on careers, leadership and enrichment opportunities as well as extra-curricular clubs.
  • Develop physically literate young people who have the knowledge and understanding to undertake lifelong physical activity
  • Help students foster the desire and motivation needed to undertake the lifestyle required to maintain physical, mental, social and emotional health
  • Developing the necessary techniques and skills required to compete (at their own level) in continually evolving and challenging competitive situations
  • Develop skills in activities that require solving problems, performing at maximum levels or communicating ideas through creativity and expression.


Ensure all students have the secure foundations to progress into further education and employment:

Have the opportunity to access option courses at Key Stage 4 will enable students to continue their learning experience at level 3 with a focus on Physical education and sports science.

The curriculum will enable the continual development of knowledge, understanding and skills focused on maximising potential in both practical and theory-based contexts.

Students will become reflective learners who have the resilience to respond positively to set-backs and in doing so, learning from mistakes and failures in order to improve performance.

Students will develop self-confidence when working individually and as part of a team.

Learn to appreciate and develop important qualities that enable them to thrive and contribute in any environment in which they might find themselves. (respect, confidence, empathy, dignity, self-worth, resilience, dedication and many others)

Careers and further education workshops and fairs will be included for students to visit and attend. They will know their target grade in our subject and know what is needed for them to progress to the next level.

Local providers will work with the department to offer pathways in Further Education.

Develop cultural capital of all students:

The PE department offer trips and visits in the UK and further afield. These experiences allow students to experience and interact with different cultures, behaviours and skills.

The department offer frequent ‘discovery’ lessons that involve learning about sports around the world. This includes Tchoukball, American football, dodgeball, softball as well as many others. The lesson focus is on discovering the sport and where it originates from rather than it being skill focused.

Our extra-curricular provision will:

  • Provide an entitlement that all students across the school will have access to an extra-curricular programme that is inclusive and engaging and provides an enriching experience to life at school
  • Offer students the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities, further developing their skills and understanding to a higher level through coaching and competition
  • Offer students the opportunity to participate in sport and physical activity
  • Help develop and foster a positive school identity and team ethos/culture
  • Consolidate and reinforce the British and Hungerhill’s core values
  • Provide the opportunity for competition in the pursuit of excellence.
  • Enable students to experience inter and intra-school competitions
  • Provide links to outside agencies and clubs


Physical Education KS3

Main skills developed in Key Stage 3:
  • Basic acquisition of motor skills
  • Replication of basic movements
  • Skills and tactics required to outwit opponents
  • Co-operation and competition (citizenship)
  • Health and safety
  • Principles of play
  • Basic rules and laws
  • ICT in PE
  • Personal, learning and thinking skills within a variety of contexts
  • Implementation of skills into a game situation
  • Planning and implementation of strategies and tactics aimed at outwitting opponents
  • Refinement and analysis of their own/others work
  • Leadership skills
  • Understanding of the benefits of exercise and how the body reacts to physical activity
  • Continued developments of the personal, learning and thinking skills within a variety of contexts
​How parents can help to support their son's/daughter's learning in Key Stage 3 ​​​
  • Encourage an active lifestyle
  • Encourage the joining of extra-curricular and local clubs
  • Ensure students have correct equipment

Physical Education KS4 - Core

Main skills developed:
  • Development of more advanced skills and techniques
  • Application of skills into larger games/full context
  • Implement strategies aimed at gaining an advantage over opponents
  • Evaluate own/peer's performance and identify how it can be improved
  • An understanding of how to train in order to improve fitness for performance or health
  • Develop the understanding required to achieve and maintain a healthy active lifestyle
  • Continued development of the personal, learning and thinking skills within a variety of contexts
  • Have an influence over their own and others performance
  • Undertake alternative roles including official/coach/leader
​How parents can help to support their son's/daughter's learning in KS4: ​​​
  • Encourage an active lifestyle
  • Encourage the joining of extra-curricular and local clubs
  • Ensure students have correct equipment


Physical Education KS4 - GCSE

Exam Board:





Practical Assessment 40%

(as a performer in three specialist areas; two team and one individual, or vice versa)

Examination 60% 

(two different papers)

Outline of course content:

The course requires students to perform to an appropriate level in three sports and, in order to be successful, it is a pre-requisite of the course that they participate in sport outside of lessons (for a club or extra-curricular practices/teams).

Students will cover the following topics within theory lessons:

  • health, fitness, and physical activity
  • training methods
  • health and safety
  • factors affecting participation
  • nutrition/diet/performance enhancing drugs
  • body systems and their functions
  • injury and first aid
  • the media, funding, role models, and science/ICT in sport.

Outline of course structure:

Students will develop the following skills:

  • organisational skills
  • communication
  • ICT
  • independent learning
  • team work
  • cooperation
  • analytical skills
  • technical ability in practical areas
  • understanding of a working sports environment
  • leadership skills
  • first aid

​OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science

Exam Board:

OCR Cambridge Nationals


OCR Cambridge National in Sport Science
Level 1 & 2


Coursework (80%)

Examination (20%)

Four units of work to be completed; three units are internally assessed, one unit is externally assessed

Outline of course content:

  • Reducing the Risk of Sport Injuries - external exam
  • Applying the Principles of Training - internally assessed
  • The Body's Response to Physical Activity - internally assessed
  • Sport Nutrition - internally assessed

Outline of course structure:

  • communication
  • Independent learning
  • Team work
  • Technical ability in practical areas
  • ICT
  • Broad understanding of sport injuries and how to deal with them/first aid
  • Nutritional requirements to be a successful sports person
  • Understand training methods and the principles of training to improve physical performance
  • Appreciate and know the effects of physical exercise on our body systems, including the hearts, lungs, muscles, and skeletal system.

Careers using PE

Many different jobs relate to sport; you don't always need to be a professional sportsperson or potential Olympian! There are jobs directly involved in sports activity, such as teaching or coaching, and jobs away from the action, e.g. in sports science, journalism, sports medicine, the leisure industry and management. Entry requirements range from a few GCSEs to degree-level qualifications.


For a career related to sport, you'll need good communication skills and to be able to work well in a team. Everyone working in sport also needs to be aware of health and safety issues. For many jobs, you will need to work at weekends and in the evenings, so you need to consider this if you’re keen on a career using sport. The list includes:

  • Teaching
  • Refereeing and umpiring
  • Coaching and Instructing
  • Sports development
  • Health and medical opportunities (linking with science jobs) – including dieticians, sports therapists, Physiotherapists
  • Working in the sports and leisure industry (assistant and supervisory jobs)

Other areas where sport is important include:

  • Events management
  • Specialist retail

Getting started and progressing

Further education colleges offer relevant courses, post-16. You could start via a full-time course, such as those leading to a BTEC Level 3 National qualification in sport and exercise sciences, or in sport (with pathways including development, coaching and fitness, and performance and excellence) or A level in physical education.

Structured training with an employer is available through relevant Intermediate or Advanced Level Apprenticeships, leading to qualifications at Levels 2 and 3 respectively.


There are many degrees, HNDs, and foundation degree courses (and a few diploma of higher education courses) related to sport. Examples of course titles include sport and exercise science, sports studies, sports development, sports coaching, and sports management


Remember to get as much experience as you can; volunteering is a great way of building up your skills and can give you the edge in a competitive situation.