World Class Schools
Hungerhill was proud to have received the World Class Schools Quality Mark (WCSQM) in December 2018. We are even more proud to have been re-accredited in July 2022! In order to be selected to apply, a school has to be rated as Outstanding by OFSTED and have exceptionally high examination results. The award’s uniqueness lies in the fact that the students are assessed with regard to whether they are World Class or not, rather than the school itself. The premise is, that if the school is truly World Class, then its students should be able to demonstrate this in whatever context they find themselves.
Work towards reaccreditation of the WCSQM at Hungerhill began in September 2021 with Mrs Hancock and our Year 11 student leaders. Reaccreditation involves our students demonstrating that they are ‘world class’ by submitting evidence towards six key areas on the World Class Schools App (Leaders, Learners, Commitment, Community, Workplace and Knowledge & Understanding) as well as attending an Assessment Centre at Houlton School in Rugby in March where they planned and carried out a project with students from other schools.
Six student leaders, who completed all key areas on the App and attended the Assessment Centre, attended the World Class Schools Symposium in July in London, along with Mrs Hancock. This year’s Symposium focused on the theme of social media, with students joining panel discussions and workshops to discuss the question ‘How can World Class students use social media as a force for good?’ Over the course of the day students worked together in groups to debate the theme of the day, ending the afternoon with a concept creation workshop in which each team created and presented their response to the theme. The day culminated in an awards ceremony where we were presented with our reaccreditation plaque. Two of our students were even shortlisted for the 2022 Student Character of the Year Award – considering there were around 200 students to choose from, this is no mean feat!
Comments from the World Class Schools Director:
“We were delighted to be able to bring our World Class students back together in a location as impressive as St Marylebone School, to do what they do best - discuss important topics relevant to their education and have a say in shaping the narrative. We’re incredibly proud of all the students who participated in the day, and in particular the 6th form students at St Marylebone School and their younger peers who led the event with World Class professionalism throughout. It’s events like these that reinforce our mission - to empower students to achieve their potential.” Miranda Perry, Director, WCSQM
There will be opportunities for more students to become involved in World Class Schools initiatives over the school year. We know we have so many students who have world class characteristics and we will share as many opportunities for them to demonstrate this as possible.
World Class Schools Symposium, St Marylebone School, London, Wednesday 6th July:
World Class Schools Assessment Centre, Houlton School, Rugby, Thursday 17th March: