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Hungerhill School

Doncaster Business Showcase Evening Events - February 2020

Hungerhill School Careers Department are pleased to inform students, parents and carers that we are participating in DONCASTER CAREERS WEEK, week commencing 10th February 2020.

What's Doncaster Careers Week all about?

At a time of high youth unemployment there has never been a bigger need for careers guidance to be promoted and celebrated in education. Doncaster Careers Week is dedicated to advising and inspiring our next generation as they enter the world of work.


Doncaster Careers Week is dedicated to providing careers information, advice and guidance (CIAG) whilst highlighting the multitude of career pathways that exist within Doncaster and the surrounding areas. Throughout the course of the week, students, their support network and teaching staff will come together with businesses to better understand the local labour market and get a better insight into employability and career prospects.


Our aim is to help raise young people's awareness and aspirations to pursue fulfilling careers, and to highlight the different career pathways available across the borough by sharing case studies, providing meaningful employer encounters and celebrating success. Having the 4th fastest growing economy in the UK and a population larger than Newcastle, we aim to inspire the next generation as they enter the world of work.


By connecting education providers with volunteers from local businesses, we can raise the aspirations and career awareness of Doncaster's young people to broaden their horizons and plant the seeds of ambition. Throughout the week, we'll be hosting a range of activities to get young people, parents and members of the wider community engaged. You can expect:

  • Labour marketing information (LMI)
  • Doncaster alumni videos
  • Live careers broadcasts
  • Business showcase evenings
  • Opportunities Doncaster LIVE trip for some year 8 students.