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Hungerhill School

A Member of Brighter Futures Learning Partnership Trust
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  • Wake Up Wednesday Online Safety Newsletters

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Welcome to our online safety advice, guidance and support page, ‘Wake Up Wednesday - what parents/carers need to know’. Each week we will post articles of interest on this page that should help you and your child. 

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It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Hungerhill School

Welcome to Hungerhill School! I’m thrilled to be the Headteacher here; it’s an honour and a privilege to be entrusted with one of the most important and rewarding jobs in the world. I hope our website gives you a little taste of our school and, more importantly, showcases our wonderful students and staff who make our community such a kind, vibrant, and energetic place.

As part of the Brighter Futures Learning Partnership Trust, we are able to collaborate with the Trust’s primary schools and Doncaster UTC, ensuring we work together to achieve our goal of World Class education. We are extremely fortunate to have a Trust, Governing Body and staff that put no limits on the ambitions we have for our students as we pursue excellence for all. But it's not just about academics. At Hungerhill, we work hard to balance our ambitious and exciting curriculum with outstanding pastoral care. Our goal is to help our students become the very best versions of themselves in all that they do, so they can have rewarding, successful, and happy lives ahead of them.

If you would like to find out more about life at Hungerhill, the best way to do this is to come and have a look at what we do for yourself. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch; we look forward to meeting you!

Mrs K Crawford


Tweets by Hungerhill


Hungerhill Highlights






Hungerhill School Intertrain Video - YouTube



Thursday 14 October

Hungerhill School has today shown how we care for one another and work as a team, staff and students have had a non-uniform day and donated money to do so. There were cakes galore to be bought at break and lunchtime which were enjoyed by all, and the finale of the day has been our Headteacher Mrs Pond kindly entering the wooden stocks to have cold, wet sponges thrown at her by students who had to pay for the privilege!

We have so far raised over £1043 (including the money raised before the summer) and we are still counting!

Thank you to all who have donated to help support one of our students, Harry. 
Hungerhill Highlights will be sent out every Friday from the week commencing Monday 1 November. 

Wednesday 13 October

Tonight is our Year 7 Meet the Form Tutor Evening. We are all delighted to have the opportunity to meet with parents/carers to be able to share news of the positive start the year group have made in their journey at Hungerhill. 

Tuesday 12 October

This is an innovative improvement tool which will helps children engage in learning. Programmes are designed to help students between 5 and 16 years of all abilities to learn to read and spell with confidence, especially those who learn differently. Nessy has been making fun, educational software for children since 1999 and has developed a reputation for exceptional quality. Nessy is used globally by hundreds of thousands of teachers and students and is a 3-time winner at the prestigious Educational Resources Awards.

The SEND department have had great success with this for many years. We are delighted to announce that the intervention will continue to run this year.

Feedback from students and parents/carers has been extremely positive. At present, we have ten Year 7 students and 6 Year 8 students – these students are identified by working collaboratively with the English department, work scrutiny, student voice and via their learning profiles.

“This is so much fun, I cannot wait for the next session” - Hollie-Mae

“I thought this would be boring, but I am really enjoying it!” - Max

“I like all of the games and when I win a trophy for doing something well” – Reuben

Monday 11 October 

Today, our Year 8 French students had the opportunity to order crêpes in French to practice their general French conversation. Toppings included sugar, lemon and sugar, maple syrup and Nutella! There was a fantastic atmosphere and lots of very happy students!  

Friday 8 October

For our final Hungerhill Highlight of the week, we celebrate the sporting successes of our Year 10 student Bryan Kilpatrick-Elliott.

Thursday 7 October

Our year 7 students attended our annual trip to the Kingswood Activity Centre on Monday and Tuesday this week. Students took part in a range of team building activities including problem solving challenges and zipline. The trip gave students and form tutors the opportunity to build positive relationships with their new form groups. The trip was a huge success with our students receiving high praise from the Kingswood staff.

Wednesday 6 October

During lunchtime today, some of our Year 11 students participated in an NHS careers talk with our School Nurse, Mr Bell, to help them find out more about the 350 different career types available in the NHS. 

Tuesday 5 October 

Our Year 11 students are taking part in assemblies every day this week to look at Post-16 options with a host of different providers! The photo shows a representative from John Leggott talking to our students about the exciting opportunities they offer. We hope our students find this week useful in helping them decide what path to choose after their time with us at Hungerhill. 

Monday 4 October

On Sunday 3 October, Mr Storey, Deputy Headteacher, completed the 2021 London Marathon, raising money for the Make Some Noise Charity. Congratulations, we knew you could do it! The school have raised £1,149.03 for the charity so far! 

Friday 1 October

Last night, approximately 400 families visited the school at the Year 6 Open Evening and experienced interactive events from different subject areas as well as seeing the excellent facilities that the school has to offer. Thank you to all the Hungerhill students who helped out at this successful event.

Thursday 30 September

In today’s Year 8 DT Food lesson, students have been making pineapple upside down cake. Congratulations to both Stuart and Tony for receiving an award for ‘Chef of the Lesson’! Year 7 have also been making a fruit fusion today with Mrs Laidlaw. 

Wednesday 29 September

This week, students are participating in the Mini London Marathon within their PE lessons. The Mini-London Marathon involves students completing 2.6miles of physical activity – walking, jogging, running - with all students achieving this feat receiving a commemorative certificate and pin badge. On Friday, we also have a Sportswear Day with students donating £1 to support the Make Some Noise charity. The images show students taking part in the event with the following students featured after completing the 2.6mile course:

Year 7
Olivia Hall
Grace Buckley
Grace Hancock
Katie Wilson

Year 10
Megan Wood
Joe Needham
Jenson Defoe
Cameron Galbraith 
Joe Dixon
Elijah Maxey
Will Briggs
Jack Wood 
Harry Douglas 

Tuesday 28 September

Examples of key vocabulary recall from Year 7 French today, well done!

Friday 24 September

Well done to our gold star award winners this week! Students can be seen enjoying their complimentary hot chocolate and showing off their certificates! 

Thursday 23 September

Our ‘Introduction to The Hub’ Coffee Afternoon was a real success on Friday. Parents/carers found this a fantastic opportunity to meet key staff and network with other parents. The next dates for our coffee afternoons are: Friday 19 November 2021, Friday 11 March 2022 and Friday 24 June 2022. We hope to see you there!

Wednesday 22 September

It was fantastic to see Harry back in school today to receive his Pride of Hungerhill Award. We are all very much looking forward to welcoming him back into school next week for his engineering and history lessons. 

Tuesday 21 September

Fantastic turnout for the first Year 8 Lunchtime Music Club today. Jada and Shannon can be seen playing the electric drums whilst managing not to disturb anyone else in the building! We are so excited about future compositions created by our talented musicians! 

Monday 20 September

Today our Year 11 Student Leaders have helped Mr Parkes launch the Enrichment Programme for Autumn 2021. The programme is also being promoted through assemblies that Mrs Pond is leading this week. Please see attached timetable and try to encourage your child to participate, 5 bonus credits are up for grabs for attendance at the clubs this week!

Friday 17 September

Today’s Hungerhill Highlight celebrates the work of Harriet, Logan and Rubie who won the Gothic Analysis Competition in Mr Rookledge’s Year 9 English class. Standards were very high in the class, well done to everyone involved. 

Thursday 16 September

Parents/Carers may remember that we held a non-uniform day to raise money for Harry on the last day of term. Unfortunately, many students were self-isolating so we were unable to raise as much money as we had hoped. There is, however, more fundraising planned for Harry for this year. Harry will be coming into school in the near future to receive his Pride of Hungerhill Award and certificate, which he received as part of the award assembly on the last day of term. In addition, three of Harry's close friends Zak, Jake and Daniel were able to complete their ‘restyle’ in the summer holidays to raise money in support of Harry. Congratulations to the three of them who raised over £600. 

Wednesday 15 September

Today, Mrs Pond has presented our flagship awards to those students that were self-isolating during the awards assemblies last term. Congratulations again to all students! 

Tuesday 14 September

Our Year 11 Student Leaders have been fundraising for Doncaster Mind this week in aid of the World Suicide Prevention Day on Friday 10 September. Students have conducted a bake sale today and each year group will have had the chance by the end of the week to ‘get back’ at the staff by throwing wet sponges in the stocks for a small fee! 

Monday 13 September

Well done to our Attitude to Learning Top Achievers who were invited to a special motivational assembly this afternoon where they were awarded with a certificate and a prize, as recognition of their continued effort across all subjects. 

Friday 10 September

Today’s Hungerhill Highlight celebrates last night’s successful Year 11 – The Year Ahead Parents’ Evening. Thank you to all the Year 11 students and parents/carers that braved the thunderstorms to attend the evening. We hope you found the evening useful, taking away practical tips to support independent study at home throughout the year. It has been a pleasure to finally be able to have parent/cares in school again. We welcome Year 10 parents/carers to a similar event next Thursday. 

Thursday 9 September

We are proud to launch the Hungerhill Wall of Excellence which is intended to be motivational with an opportunity to celebrate and showcase students work and talent across the school. Please look out for this the next time you enter the school via reception. 

Wednesday 8 September

Miss John-Lewis and the Year 11 art students opened the first virtual art gallery at Hungerhill School. This will be used to highlight art movements and the masters of art to educate and inspire students. We may not be able to take students to art galleries in the current climate so we have brought an art gallery to them! 

Tuesday 7 September

Well done to our students who won the summer remote learning prize draws! Over the summer, many students completed the remote learning lessons and quizzes available on Teams. All students who completed the activities were put in a prize draw for each year group to win one of five £10 Love to Shop Vouchers or the top prize of a Fire 7 tablet. These students were the lucky winners! Also pictured with the students is Luke Staton who attended Hungerhill yesterday to deliver motivational talks to Years 8 to 11. Well done to all students who completed the remote learning activities and we hope the winners enjoy their prizes! 

Year 8: Phoebe, Teagan-Leigh, Ashton, Grace, Lewis and Jack
Year 9: Sam, Grace, Ruby, Ellexy-Mai, Oscar and Bethany
Year 10: James, Rebekah, Scott, Tyler, Amy and Finn
Year 11: Freya, Archie, Nathan, Ben, Charlotte and Dannyel

Monday 6 September 

It has been fantastic to welcome all year groups back for the start of the new school year. Our motivational speaker, Luke Staton, launched the 'Inspiring the Next Generation Programme' with Year 8 to 11. This focuses on building self confidence and resilience in a bid to motivate and empower our students to follow their dreams. Year 7 students enjoyed an opportunity to get to know their form tutor and peers through a range of activities. 

Friday 16 July 2021

Well done to our gold badge winners this week for achieving the most positive interactions in their form, ice creams all round!

Year 7: Keavey, Luckveer and Shannon

Year 8: Erica and Ava

Year 10: Evie and Rebecca

Also, congratulations to all the end of year award winners! 

Year 7: Tony

Year 8: Lydia and Grace

Year 10: Will and Ben

Have a great summer everyone!

Thursday 15 July 2021

Today's Hungerhill Highlight celebrates the school receiving the Bronze Award for the Anti-Bullying Charter Mark. This was received following the work of our Student Leaders of 2020/21. We are very much looking forward to working towards the Silver Award with our Student Leaders for 2021/22.

Wednesday 14 July 2021

On Monday, we saw the PE Department run a series of fun football activities over lunchtime to celebrate the successes of the England men's national team. The event was very well attended by all year groups, despite the wet weather, and some great skills and effort were on show.

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Year 8 students in Design Technology have been developing their use of physical colour and shading before applying it to 3D models using Tinkercad. Enthusiasm within the classroom was exceptional across the physical and digital mediums. Future designers in the making. Well done!

Monday 12 July 2021

20 Year 8's took part in the Engineering Extravaganza organised through Sheffield Hallam. They were gived 4 different engineering problems to solve which included making water filters, designing and constructing bridges, making breathing simulators and mini electric motors. Student's really enjoyed their day and learnt a lot about different engineers and also careers options for the future. 

Friday 9 July 2021

Well done to our gold badge winners this week for achieving the most positive interactions in their form, ice creams all round today. Pizza next week!

Year 7: Freya, Charlie, Teela, Reuben and James

Year 8: Eleanor, Chloe, Bella, Lucy and Isabelle

Year 9: Jamie, Mia, Freya, Cameron, Alfie and Emma

Year 10: Samson, Alex, Evie, Lilly, Antoni, Olivia, Oliver and Summer

Thursday 8 July 2021

Grace, Year 8, has been selected to represent Yorkshire in the Triathlon at the Inter Regional Championships in September. There were just four girls selected in her age group at the recent Yorkshire time trials, so this really is an incredible achievement in what is a gruelling event. Congratulations Grace, everyone at Hungerhill is very proud of you! Enjoy the Championship experience in September.

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Today's Hungerhill Highlight celebrates our new Student Leaders who received their blue ties today! The photo shows our Head Girl, Charlotte, our Head Boy, Brian, our Deputy Head Boy, Ben and our Deputy Head Girl, Ruby. Congratulations to all our new student leaders, we are very proud and know they’ll do a great job!

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Today's Hungerhill Highlight showcases the first of our series of Sports Days. We managed to beat the weather and Year 8 had a fantastic afternoon participating in a range of athletics events and cheering on their teammates.

Its Year 9’s turn tomorrow…

Good Luck!

Monday 5 Juiy 2021

Today's Hungerhill Highlight celebrates one of our Year 11 leavers, Owen, passing his Private Pilot Licence at the age of 16. This amazing achievement makes him one of the youngest in Doncaster to gain his wings, reach for the stars Owen!

For further information and to hear more from Owen himself, please use the following link to the Doncaster Free Press article:

Congratulations from all at Hungerhill, we are incredibly proud!

Friday 2 July 2021

Well done to our gold badge winners this week for achieving the most positive interactions in their form, warm sausage rolls all round today. More treats next week!

Year 7: Daisy, Josh, Declan, Kallum, Cobi, Jessica, Tilly, Riley, Mischa, Lacey and Tony

Year 8: Muhammad, Esther, Luca, Ruby and Jake

Year 9: Jasmine, Sophie, Seth, Oliver, Jack and Olivia

Year 10: Jacob, Jak, Alissa, Thomas, Laura, Jack, Ellis and Emily

Thursday 1 July 2021

Today’s Hungerhill Highlight continues to showcase the breadth of curriculum we offer with today’s spotlight being on the Music department. The arts have the power to change lives. All students at Hungerhill, no matter what their ability or experience, are treated as musicians/actors, and are supported to learn and develop. The attached work produced by Ava in Year 8 shows the diversity and cross-curricular links of the subject. She has tried her hand at being a music journalist and created her own music magazine. Please check the @hungerhill twitter feed to see/listen to some amazing practice performances from students across both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.

Hungerhill School (@Hungerhill) / Twitter

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Today's Hungerhill Highlight shows our current Year 10 students Alfie and Ryan looking forward to Year 11 in their new Year 11 ties!

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Yesterday evening we welcomed the Year 7 cohort of September 2021 onto the school site for a Covid safe treasure hunt around the school. This event allowed new students to gather their bearings and explore the site whilst learning key information about the school.  It was great to meet so many eager students and families. We can't wait to welcome them in September 2021!

Monday 28 June 2021

We have had an external visitor in school today conducting a review of our English Department. The following Year 7 students confidently discussed their most recent piece of descriptive writing as part of this: Kory, Kyle, Lola-Mae, Abi-Leigh and Georgia 

Friday 25 June 2021

Well done to our gold badge winners this week for achieving the most positive interactions in their form, pizza all round today. Warm sausage rolls next week! 

Year 7: Aziza, Oscar, Reuben, Freyanna, Fay, Sam, Jocelyn and Ollie
Year 8: Noah, Lucy, Paula, Charley, Elah and Niamh 
Year 9: Adam, Alexis and Sadie 
Year 10: Sonny, Lana, Olivia, Paul, Charlie, Freya and Lewis 

Thursday 24 June 2021

Today's Hungerhill Highlight celebrates the amazing efforts of staff and students completing the twelve hour Fitathon in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance. A staff relay has ensured continuous exercise on the treadmill, exercise bike and rowing machine while students have completed a run on the school's cross country circuit. Any parents/carers still willing to donate sponsorship can still do so via SIMS Pay, with all proceeds going to this amazing charity so close to the school's heart. 
Well done and thank you to all involved. 

Wednesday 23 June 2021

We have been delighted to welcome our Year 6s to Hungerhill during this week. They have all had a tour of the school, a speech from the Head Girl and taken part in a number of transition activities that will help them feel better prepared for joining us in September.
The attached photo shows some of our Year 6s listening to a fantastic speech about starting life at Hungerhill, from our Head Girl, Mollie.

Tuesday 22 June 2021

On Monday 21 June 2021, we had an external review of our Art and Design Department. Students from Year 7 (Shannon, Abi-Leigh, Thomas and Lucas) and Year 9 (Harmany, Belle, WIlliam and Harvie) showcased their work. As I am sure you will agree, we are very proud of their masterpieces! 

Monday 21 June 2021

Today's Hungerhill Highlight celebrates the work and support of our Hungerhill ICT Champions. The ICT Champions help the ICT support department with the maintenance and support of the ICT equipment around school. 

Thank you to the below students for their support: 
Year 9 Champions: Dylan, Oliver, Neshesh, Alex, Toby and Kornel
Year 10 Champions: Mason and Taylor 

Friday 18 June 2021

Well done to our gold badge winners this week for achieving the most positive interactions in their form. Ice creams all round today. Pizza next week! 

Year 7: Natalie, Chloe, Hermione, James, Jack, Tiffany, Charlie, Elizabeth, Jessica, Harvey, George and Luckveer
Year 8: Harry-Lee, George, Katie, Rose, Lucy, Jessica and Alfie
Year 9: Abbie, Louis, Leah, Cameron, Sammuel and Tyler 
Year 10: Harrison, Maddie, Seraya, Adley, Jak, Ruby and Amy

Thursday 17 June 2021

Today’s Hungerhill Highlight celebrates our Design and Technology (DT) department at Hungerhill. As part of our broad curriculum, students access a range of DT subjects. Year 8 students today can be seen creating a curry in their Food lesson with Mrs Stones, along with a selection of other students demonstrating their Graphic Design skills with Mr Gibbons and Mr Davies.

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Hungerhill Heroes! Three of our Year 7 students spotted a younger child in distress yesterday morning on the way to school and went out of their way to ensure an adult could be found to support. We are extremely proud of Imogen, Nicole and Rhys who really displayed the schools core value of care. 

Tuesday 15 June 2021

We have been excited over the past few days to welcome back our Head Boy and Head Girl to work with our Year 7 students on a transition package. Today, we have also launched Phase 1 of the selection process for our new Student Leaders so it is with a sad heart that we say thank you and farewell to our current Student Leaders who have supported the school immensely over the past year. 

Monday 14 June 2021

The CEO of the Trust, Mrs Redford-Hernandez, was in school today observing lessons with Mrs Pond. Feedback was overwhelming positive. Please ask your child if they were observed in their lessons today and thank them for their contributions. Mrs Redford-Hernandez was very impressed.

Friday 11 June 2021

You may remember that Hungerhill received not one, but two nominations for the Pearson National Teaching Awards 'Lockdown Hero'. Below is the certificate and message from Michael Morpurgo that we have received today. This should be celebrated by students and staff alike. 

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Results at Hungerhill

Results at Hungerhill

Students and staff at Hungerhill School celebrate another fantastic set of results, with the school sustaining its impressive Attainment 8 score of 5.11, despite the government commitment to raising grade boundaries and returning to pre-pandemic levels.

A total of 53% of students achieved the strong pass of grade 5 or better in English and maths while 75% achieved a standard pass in both. There were excellent performances from these individual departments; 88% of Year 11’s recorded a standard level 4 pass in English, with 77% achieving the strong grade 5 or above. In Maths, 78% reached level 4 with 55% achieving grade 5 or higher.


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